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Appy FoodAppy Food
mozzarella, porchetta, cipolla, peperoni e patatemozzarella, porchetta, onion, peppers and potatoes
Appy Food
mozzarella, porchetta, onion, peppers and potatoes
pomodoro, capperi, tonno, olive e pomodorinitomato, capers, tuna, olives and cherry tomatoes
tomato, capers, tuna, olives and cherry tomatoes
mozzarella, mascarpone, salsiccia, crema tartufata e funghi porcinimozzarella, mascarpone, sausage, truffle cream and porcini mushrooms
mozzarella, mascarpone, sausage, truffle cream and porcini mushrooms
mozzarella, gamberetti, rucoletta, funghi porcini e salsa rosamozzarella, shrimp, rocket, porcini mushrooms and pink sauce
mozzarella, shrimp, rocket, porcini mushrooms and pink sauce
mozzarella, gorgonzola, porchetta, funghi e rucolamozzarella, gorgonzola, porchetta, mushrooms and rocket
mozzarella, gorgonzola, porchetta, mushrooms and rocket
Pizza KebabPizza Kebab
mozzarella, kebab, patate fritte, cipolla, peperoni e maionesemozzarella, kebab, fried potatoes, onion, peppers and mayonnaise
Pizza Kebab
mozzarella, kebab, fried potatoes, onion, peppers and mayonnaise
Pizza Kebab Romagnola 🌶️Pizza Kebab Romagnola 🌶️
pomodoro, mozzarella, kebab, patate fritte, pomodorini, rucola e salsa piccantetomato, mozzarella, kebab, fried potatoes, cherry tomatoes, rocket and spicy sauce
Pizza Kebab Romagnola 🌶️
tomato, mozzarella, kebab, fried potatoes, cherry tomatoes, rocket and spicy sauce
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Pizzeria Ca'Ossi da Teresa
Viale Risorgimento, 265, 47121 Forlì (FC)
Viale Risorgimento, 265, 47121 Forlì (FC)